

Manuel Güdel

Manuel Güdel : Head

Main interests: Star formation, exoplanets and habitability, astrophysical plasmas, high-energy astrophysics; large projects on exoplanetary habitability (FWF: PatH), exoplanetary atmospheres (EU H2020: ExoPLANETAS-A),
protoplanetary disks (EU FP7: DIANA); Co-PI or Co-I of  ESA/NASA space missions JWST/MIRI, XMM-Newton/RGS, PLATO, CHEOPS (Science Team member), Ariel, Athena, Smile, eXTP; Co-I of ESO ELT instrumentation (METIS), and MARVEL.


Sudeshna Boro Saikia

Sudeshna Boro Saikia : postdoc, Lise Meitner prgram

Postdoc on own FWF Lise-Meitner project, Solar/stellar winds, XUV activity, machine learning.


Kristina Kislyakova

Kristina Kislyakova : Senior Scientist

Permanent Senior Scientist working on exoplanetary habitability and atmosphere modelling.


Odysseas Dionatos

Odysseas Dionatos : Senior Postdoc

Senior postdoc working on protoplanetary disk observations and modeling, team member of the EU FP7 project DIANA (DiscAnalysis), now FFG project leader; awarded an EU H2020 project on protostellar research, starting 2021.

Oliver Herbort

Oliver Herbort : Postdoc

Oliver Herbort is working as an Ariel fellow PostDoc at the University of Vienna. His work is focussing on atmospheres of rocky exoplanets. Focussing on how the surface conditions of rocky exoplanets can be constrained by future observations. Therefore he is investigating atmospheric compositions based on different elemental compositions and the stability with respect to atmospheric loss and photochemistry.
One of his main interests is the habitability of exoplanets.

Yanina Metodieva

Yanina Metodieva : postdoc, EU H2020

Postdoc on EU H2020 project Exoplanets_A working on stellar activity across the electromagnetic spectrum, mainly in the radio and UV/X-ray wavelengths.

Tatiana Pavlidou

Tatiana Pavlidou : Postdoc

Postdoc working on observational star formation. Main interests: low-mass young stellar objects (Class 0/I), hot corino sources, young stellar clusters.

Nicole Pawellek

Nicole Pawellek : Postdoc

I am a postdoc working on debris discs – analogues of the Asteroid and Edgeworth Kuiper belt in our Solar System.
I investigate the mechanisms that drive planetary system formation and evolution by using collisional models and population analyses.
I do modelling of thermal emission and scattered light data applying optical dust properties of dust based on lab measurements.
Also, I am involved in different outreach projects.

Eduard Vorobyov

Eduard Vorobyov : Senior postdoc

Main interests: numerical hydrodynamics simulations of protostellar disk formation in the primordial and local Universe, formation of giant planets and brown dwarfs via disk gravitational fragmentation, accretion and luminosity bursts in young protostars, high performance computing.

  1. Formation and evolution of gas-dust protoplanetary disks. Dust growth and formation of planetesimals as the main building blocks of planets.
  2. Formation of giant planets and brown dwarfs via gravitational instability and fragmentation of massive protoplanetary disks.
  3. Variable accretion and luminosity bursts: theoretical mechanisms and their effects on disk evolution.
  4. Development of high-performance magneto-hydrodynamical numerical codes. Parallel programming.

PhD students: Rodrigo Guadarrama (UniVie), Lukas Gehrig (UniVie).


Lukas Gehrig

Lukas Gehrig : PhD student (2021-)

PhD student, 2021-, works on protoplanetary disks and stellar spin-down

Rodrigo Guadarrama

Rodrigo Guadarrama : PhD student

PhD student 2020-, working on chemistry in protostellar disks.

James McKevitt

James McKevitt : PhD student

PhD student (2021 - Present) working on future science-centric L-class missions to the outer Solar System. Modelling protoplanetary disk formation with high performance computing.

Florian Ragossnig

Florian Ragossnig : PhD student

PhD student, working on planetary primordial atmospheres in protoplanetary disks; Member of the PatH project.

Simon Schleich

Simon Schleich : PhD student

PhD student working on atmospheric retrieval using JWST observations.

Daniel Steiner

Daniel Steiner : PhD student

PhD student working on protoplanetary disk simulations

Gwenael Van Looveren

Gwenael Van Looveren : PhD Student

PhD student working on modeling of (exo)planet atmosphere chemistry.


Michael Bartel

Michael Bartel : Master Student

Master student, working on the evolution of stellar rotation including magnetic fields.

Maria Hasler

Maria Hasler : Master Student

Master student (2022 - Present) working on developing a neural network model that can simulate the extreme ultraviolet part of a stellar spectra through the technique of transfer learning.

Christoph Puchegger

Christoph Puchegger : Master student

Master student (2022 - Present), works on numerical simulations of gas giant atmospheres


Would you like to visit our group to work with us as an Erasmus student or visiting postdoc? Feel free to contact us!


NOTE: In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, DSGVO) information about previous members needs to be minimized; pictures, e-mail addresses, web page url, and present addresses of our previous members will no longer be shown.

Carla Baldovin Saavedra

Carla Baldovin Saavedra : Postdoc, 2012-2017

Postdoc 2012-2017, working on observational analysis of protoplanetary disks, in particular photoevaporation induced by stellar high-energy radiation.

Florian Bauer

Florian Bauer : Master student, 2012-13

Master student 2012-13, on exoplanets in Kepler data.

Ines Brott

Ines Brott : Postdoc, 2010-2018

Postdoc 2010-2018, working on thermo-chemical model code for protoplanetary disks, based on PHOENIX/3D. Also strong supporter of public planetarium project.

Michael Cecil

Michael Cecil : Master thesis student

Master student (2022-2023) , works on magnetic fields in protostellar/protoplanetary disks and disk winds

Cosima Eibensteiner

Cosima Eibensteiner : Former member

Master student 2018-19, working on the disk and disk wind of DG Tau. Published in A&A.

Vardan Elbakyan

Vardan Elbakyan : Former member

Exchange student 2018, from Russia for 6 months working on the evolution of young accreting low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.

Luca Fabiani

Luca Fabiani : Former member

Exchange student 2019, from Paris for 6 months working on stellar magnetic fields.

Bibiana Fichtinger

Bibiana Fichtinger : PhD student

PhD student working on observations of stellar radio emission of solar-type stars, using the JVLA and ALMA telescopes.
My main interests are not only stellar winds, but also the connection/similiarities to the solar wind and the influence on planetary atmospheres.
Member of the PatH project.

Thorben Frey

Thorben Frey : Master Student

Master student (2022 - 2023) working on the evolution of exoplanetary atmospheres with the Kompot code. Aiming to simulate the atmosphere of K2-18b.

Liliana Gracanin

Liliana Gracanin :

Visiting scientist 2021.

Natalie Grasser

Natalie Grasser : Master Student

Master student (2022-2023 ) working on the evolution of planetary atmospheres with the emphasis of the evolution of early Earth.

Fabian Haberhauer

Fabian Haberhauer : Former member

Master student 2022, working on spectroscopic analysis of cool stars.

Thomas Hajnik

Thomas Hajnik : Master Student

Master student (2022 - 2023) working on automated approaches to spectral analysis by combining conventional and machine learning methods. Additionally, he is involved in the development of a data-driven method for estimating exoplanet properties, using various clustering algorithms.

Gopal Hazra

Gopal Hazra : Postdoc

Postdoc (2022) working on atmospheric escape from exoplanets.

Carina Heinreichsberger

Carina Heinreichsberger : Former member

Master student (2021-2022), working on Venus atmosphere.

Christiane Helling

Christiane Helling : Guest Professor 2011, from U. St. Andrews

Guest professor in 2011, working on astrophysical dust and brown dwarfs.

David Hofer

David Hofer : Master Student

Master student (2022 ), working on the comparison between amospheric models in the hydrostatic equilibrium of rocky planets/Earthlike.

Nicolas Iro

Nicolas Iro : postdoc

Postdoc (2017-2022) working on atmospheric/climate models for (exo)planets.

Colin Johnstone

Colin Johnstone : Postdoc, FFG

Postdoc working with the PatH project. Main interests: magnetohydrodynamical modelling of stellar winds in single and binary star systems, stellar magnetism, stellar rotation, star-planet interactions, and star-disc interactions.

Inga Kamp

Inga Kamp : Guest Professor 2011, from University of Groningen

Guest professor in 2011, working on thermo-chemical disk modeling.

Hannah Kohlhofer

Hannah Kohlhofer : Master Student

Master student (2022 - 2023), working on atmospheric retrievals of synthetic Ariel spectra with machine learning.

Armin Liebhart

Armin Liebhart : PhD student, 2010-

PhD student starting 2010, working on X-ray data and modeling of protoplanetary disks affected by stellar X-ray irradiation.

Theresa Lüftinger

Theresa Lüftinger : Senior Scientist, 2016-2020

Senior Scientist 2016-2020, working on magnetic fields of cool and hot stars, their modeling via Zeeman/magnetic Doppler imaging and interactions with planetary environments. Member of the PatH project.

Nina-Elisabeth Nemec

Nina-Elisabeth Nemec : Bachelors and Masters student, 2014-2017

Master student 2014-2017, working on XUV spectra of low-mass stars.
Interests also include the magnetic fields and winds of late-type stars. Bachelors and masters thesis in group.

Robert Pohl

Robert Pohl : Masters Student, 2015-2016

Master student 2015-2016, working on chemical pathways in protoplanetary disks using ProDiMo chosing suitable pathways and to simplify the large number of equations.

Christian Rab

Christian Rab : PhD student, Master student, 2011-2017

PhD student 2013-2017, working on effects of high-energy radiation and particles on the thermo-chemical structure of protoplanetary disks.

Ines Ringseis

Ines Ringseis : Master student

Master student (2022-2023), works on protoplanetary disk modeling with TAPIR (perturbations by planets)

Markus Rosenberger

Markus Rosenberger : Former member

Master student 2021, works on planetary atmosphere modeling.

Yury Sasunov

Yury Sasunov : Former member

Postdoc 2022, working on interactions between the Earth's magnetosphere and the solar wind.

Sophie Alma Schallert

Sophie Alma Schallert : Former member

Master student 2019-2020, working on chemical analysis of protostars with the ALMA observatory.

Leander Schlarmann

Leander Schlarmann : Former member

Master student (2021-2022), working on modelling Venus-like atmospheres

Thomas Schobesberger

Thomas Schobesberger : Former member

Master student 2021, works on the Fermi bubbles of the Milky Way.

Aleksandr Skliarevskii

Aleksandr Skliarevskii : Former member

Visitng PhD Student 2018-2021, from Russia first stay in 2018/19 (6 months), second stay in 2020-21 (6 months) on Ernst Mach stipend working on dust dynamics in protostellar disks.

Arijane Sommeregger

Arijane Sommeregger : Former member

Master student 2022, working on protoplanetary atmosphere with TAPIR.

Laurenz Felix Steinbauer

Laurenz Felix Steinbauer : Master thesis student

Master student (2022 - 2023), studying the structure of jets and outflows of binary protostars, and their relation to orbital parameters.

Maria Steinrück

Maria Steinrück : Master thesis student, with TU Vienna, 2015

Master student 2015, working on protostellar disks.

Olga Stoyanovskaya

Olga Stoyanovskaya : Former member

Postdoc 2016, from Russia for 1 month on an Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research award.

Lucia Teng

Lucia Teng : Former member

Exchange student 2020-21, from Paris for 4 months working in group on planetary atmospheres.

Patricia Trinkl

Patricia Trinkl : Master student, 2012-13

Master student 2012-13, working on hydrodynamic modeling of protoplanetary disks.

Lin Tu

Lin Tu : Phd student, 2014-17

PhD student 2014-2017, working on star-planet interactions in the young solar system, mainly for upper atmospheric simulation and evolution.

Jan Vatant D’Ollone

Jan Vatant D’Ollone : Former member

Exchange student 2015, from Paris for 3 months working on stellar magnetic fields and their evolution with stellar rotation.

Cornelia Weber

Cornelia Weber : Master thesis student, 2019-2020

Master student, 2019-2020, working on exoplanetary atmospheres.

Peter Woitke

Peter Woitke : Senior Postdoc

Postdoc, one of the main developers of the radiation thermo-chemical disk modelling code ProDiMo. He is the PI of the EU FP7 DIANA-project.