NOTE: In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, DSGVO) information about previous members needs to be minimized; pictures, e-mail addresses, web page url, and present addresses of our previous members will no longer be shown.
Carla Baldovin Saavedra
Ines Brott
Michael Cecil
Cosima Eibensteiner
Vardan Elbakyan
Bibiana Fichtinger
PhD student working on observations of stellar radio emission of solar-type stars, using the JVLA and ALMA telescopes.
My main interests are not only stellar winds, but also the connection/similiarities to the solar wind and the influence on planetary atmospheres.
Member of the PatH project.
Thorben Frey
Natalie Grasser
Thomas Hajnik
Gopal Hazra
David Hofer
Colin Johnstone
Postdoc working with the PatH project. Main interests: magnetohydrodynamical modelling of stellar winds in single and binary star systems, stellar magnetism, stellar rotation, star-planet interactions, and star-disc interactions.
Hannah Kohlhofer
Armin Liebhart
Theresa Lüftinger
Senior Scientist 2016-2020, working on magnetic fields of cool and hot stars, their modeling via Zeeman/magnetic Doppler imaging and interactions with planetary environments. Member of the PatH project.
Nina-Elisabeth Nemec
Robert Pohl
Christian Rab
Ines Ringseis
Yury Sasunov
Sophie Alma Schallert
Aleksandr Skliarevskii
Arijane Sommeregger
Master student 2022, working on protoplanetary atmosphere with TAPIR.
Laurenz Felix Steinbauer
Olga Stoyanovskaya
Lucia Teng
Lin Tu
Jan Vatant D’Ollone
Peter Woitke
Postdoc, one of the main developers of the radiation thermo-chemical disk modelling code ProDiMo. He is the PI of the EU FP7 DIANA-project.